Biodiversity in Jena
Research Network "Jena Experiment", Experimental Interaction Ecology Group, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Population Ecology Group, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Jena
Now running for 20 years, the "Jena Experiment" is one of the most long-term biodiversity experiments worldwide. On an experimental site in the Saale floodplain, researchers from the University of Jena and iDiv are investigating the influence of plant diversity on the ecosystem meadow and its functions. This includes, among other things, material cycles and food webs. A varying number of plant species occur in 80 fields, each measuring 20m x 20m. The spectrum in the fields ranges from up to 60 different species to just one plant species (monoculture). Scientists from all over the world are researching the differences between these fields under botanical, zoological and microbial aspects. They hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity and its role in the ecosystem meadow.
© Eulefilm Company
Biodiversity in Jena
Research Network "Jena Experiment", Experimental Interaction Ecology Group, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Population Ecology Group, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Jena
Now running for 20 years, the "Jena Experiment" is one of the most long-term biodiversity experiments worldwide. On an experimental site in the Saale floodplain, researchers from the University of Jena and iDiv are investigating the influence of plant diversity on the ecosystem meadow and its functions. This includes, among other things, material cycles and food webs. A varying number of plant species occur in 80 fields, each measuring 20m x 20m. The spectrum in the fields ranges from up to 60 different species to just one plant species (monoculture). Scientists from all over the world are researching the differences between these fields under botanical, zoological and microbial aspects. They hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity and its role in the ecosystem meadow.
© Eulefilm Company